Top 5 Warm & Cozy Gifts To Mark A Memorable Post-Thanksgiving and Chrismas

Bellemere's Chrismas and Post-Thanksgiving collection


Are You Grateful?

If there’s one thing to learn in life, it definitely would be to be grateful for being alive and well! Obviously why we celebrate Thanksgiving day, each year—for the past 4 centuries—to give thanks to the Almighty God for all His blessings and mercies toward us throughout the year.

Thanksgiving holiday may not exist everywhere, but I’m sure being alive and not simply surviving, but ripping the best out of it is appreciated across the globe! So, count your fortune; your harvest, this Fall, has doubled if not tripled!

Thanksgiving Day has passed, but how can you still celebrate the Post Thanksgiving? You can go by the traditional way, by helping out people who might not be as lucky as you, volunteering to serve food at homeless shelters, or donating to charity or animal-conservative organizations. Or better still, celebrate with your immediate family and friends for the rest of the month.

What You Shouldn’t Miss in Thanksgiving Week or After

Whatever you’ve chosen to do, Thanksgiving week is a memorable period to have lovely and bond-strengthened activities with your loved ones. Therefore, even though you missed some Thanksgiving activities such as “watching Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, eating roasted turkeys, watching American Football games, etc., please don’t miss Bellemere’s Thanksgiving and Black Friday sales discounts; I beg of you!

Bellemere’s Thanksgiving & Black Friday Discounted Sales

They say, a simple gift, if presented in its time of need is better than the king’s robe presented after one’s demise. And do you know what? The energy that generates from receiving a gift could power a community!

Therefore, use Belle’s Thanksgiving & Black Friday sales to put a smile on someone’s face, recover what you’ve missed, and strengthen your family bond. The difference between Belle’s offer and others is like the width of the Han river, and come to think of it, a discount that doesn’t go away after the event, plus more discount of up to 30% if you use our promotional code!

Belle's Recommended Thanksgiving & Black Friday Gift

Please, be reminded that Belle offers an exclusive 15% off all its web collections throughout this festivities. But what if you don’t have any idea of what to buy as a gift for your loved ones and why is it important to know? According to Greater Good Magazine, choosing the right kind of gift can increase feelings of appreciation, which in turn helps to cement and build important relationships.

So, what do we recommend? Carefully, observe Belle's top 5 Autumn/Winter essential gifts to mark a memorable Thanksgiving, Black Friday, & Holidays


A coat made of premium wool is one of those essential gifts you can buy for your loved ones. Come to think of it, the two seasons ahead are colder and coldest, respectively. A coat made from premium Merino Wool and Cashmere is beyond handy, it’s the perfect item to slip in to feel warm & cozy. The reason why you should definitely buy any of these unisex—Beige wool coat,  Grand Double-breastedMen’s Double Breasted Coat, and Dazzling Overcoat—top-notched and cozy coat for your loved ones.


Sustainable Chrismas luxury wears
Bellemere's Chrismas and Post-Thanksgiving collection

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Scarves came second as an essential gifting item this season and as a matter of fact, they are indispensable! You can visualize a scarf as your vehicle’s windshield; without one, you’re putting yourself in great danger! Winter scarves shield the wearer from colds and flu, in addition to the warmth it traps around the neck and the classic look it confers.

Bellemere's Chrismas and Post-Thanksgiving collection
Bellemere's Chrismas and Post-Thanksgiving collection

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The above listed—Modern Checkered Cashmere ScarvesWomen’s Gradient Cashmere ScarvesUnisex Duo Color Cashmere ScarvesCable-Knit Unisex Cashmere Scarves—represents ½ of our collections of scarves that can be gifted to your loved ones. But, what makes this collection of scarves ideal? First, they are carved on premium Cashmere Wool and knitted in a way that doesn’t sacrifice warmth. Second, they are all unisex.



This is another special item you can buy to express your deepest love for your loved ones. Belle’s Cashmere Hat is craved on premium cashmere wool, plus contemporary knitting styles that don’t sacrifice warmth. Instead, they keep the wearer warm and cozy, plus being unisex. The below is just fragments of what we have in stock for you! Contemporary Cashmere BeretCable-Knit Cashmere BeanieUnisex Cashmere Hat, and Cuffed Cashmere Beanie                                                

Bellemere's Chrismas and Post-Thanksgiving collection
Bellemere's Chrismas and Post-Thanksgiving collection

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Another magnificent Thanksgiving or Holiday gift is a sweater—preferably a Cashmere and Merino Wool sweater—carefully knitted on Cashmere wool with its soft texture and ability to trap body warmth more efficiently than any fleece. Belle collections of fall/winter sweaters are exactly where you can find the ideal gift for your loved ones. Our sweaters range from Turtleneck, mock neck, and V-neck, and can be seen in myriads of colors, and knit patterns. A fragment of our creation includes Après ski Turtleneck Sweater, Polar Bear Cropped Cashmere SweaterMen’s Polar Gradient Sweater, and Checker Print Cashmere Merino Sweater.

Bellemere's Chrismas and Post-Thanksgiving collection
Bellemere's Chrismas and Post-Thanksgiving collection

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If you live in the part of the world where the temperature falls below 32 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter, there is no way you’ll not appreciate a pair or set of wool gloves as a gift. After all, our hands are one of the extremities that are most susceptible to cold weather and can get frostbite if they are exposed to the cold for too long.

Invest in Belle’s array of Cashmere gloves that help insulate hands and keep them warm. Belle’s collection of gloves goes beyond keeping their hand warm they also prevent them from getting dry and chapped. Feel free to pick from this selection, Cable-Knit Touch-screen Cashmere glovesDrilling ruffled Cashmere gloves, and Cashmere Long Gloves With Buttons.

Bellemere's Chrismas and Post-Thanksgiving collection

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Top 5 Belle’s Gift Set

What if you want something more extravagant? Then you should definitely explore our gift set which is a collection of different winter accessories in cashmere wool, fancy knit, and myriads of hues. The below are just fragments of what we have for your loved ones. The list includes Cream Cashmere Dream SetBlack Magic Beret Set,  Stunning Cashmere SetStylish Cashmere Beanie Set, and Ultra-soft Cashmere Winter set.

Bellemere's Chrismas and Post-Thanksgiving collection
Bellemere's Chrismas and Post-Thanksgiving collection

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So, what do you think?

Do you now see that even if you miss watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and other activities on Thanksgiving, you shouldn’t miss Belle’s Thanksgiving & Black Friday Gift offers for your loved ones? Be grateful for being alive, show some love, and enjoy the rest of the year with Belle’s sustainable gifts and garments. See you next Thanksgiving and Christmas!